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Samhain night. Witchs altar with goats skull, burning candle, dry herbs and magic vessels

With real forest moss.


➸ SignedMissMandragore


The ringing of bells wards off evil spirits and wards off the evil eye. Bells were attached to clothing, worn as amulets, attached to children, and hung from the necks of horses, camels, cows, donkeys and other animals important to a community.


Shopkeepers hung bells above their thresholds, not so much to warn them of the entry of customers as to prevent evil spirits from entering their premises.


What's the best way to do it?


They are designed to help keep doubtful minds and negative energy out of the home, or at least act as a deterrent. Therefore, bells are used to help resolve the possible problem of unwanted spiritual activity in the home, especially in times near Samhain when negative energies become more active.


If used for a door/entrance, they are usually blessed and/or involved in protection spells to use them as a means of protection for the home. Typically, right after the Mabon celebrations end, I place a set of bells on the front door handle and the two exit handles. I keep mine on the inside side of the door because of possible thieves, but if you're in an area where they won't be disturbed, the outside is usually better.


MissMandragore a strangely magical small business, inspired by plants and nature. Creations made up of various natural elements and sometimes recovered objects, with the aim of respecting nature and the environment.


Straight out of The Strange Workshop, you will find decorations, wands Witch/Sorcerer, ritual herbs...

Witch's bells (5 choices)

C$20.00 Regular Price
10,00C$Sale Price

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